Get crystal clear on your Relationship Desires – so you can

manifest your “Next Level” Partner – without wasting time!

A Free, 3-Day Facebook Challenge for Women (age 40+)  Who Are Ready to Consciously Align to Love

October 4th – 6th

11:30am-12:30pm each day (Pacific Time)


Replay videos will be available in the Facebook group for 5 days – if you’re unable to attend live.

Manifesting LOVE can be so Frustrating!

This is especially true for women who are in midlife and beyond. There are many factors involved in this, but I commonly hear women focusing on just a few excuses.

    • “All the good men are taken.”
    • “It’s too hard to meet men – except online – and online dating doesn’t work.”
    • “It will just happen when it happens.”
    • “Maybe I’m too old for dating. Being single is just easier.”


    However, I see LACK OF CLARITY being one of the foundational reasons middle-aged and older women are unsuccessful in finding love. Think about it. How can you have the romantic relationship of your dreams when you only have a vague sense of what the “dream” entails?

    It certainly didn’t work for me – and I don’t see it working for my clients. 

    In fact, instead of being crystal clear about what we want in a potential partner and relationship, we’re often more focused on what we DON’T want (based on what we DIDN’T like about our EXes – or our friends’ EXes!). 

    Or we think we know what we want but it’s coming from an outdated list that our egos have been carting around for decades – and is disconnected from our deeper desires and how our souls are evolving. 

    Worse yet, some of us are so focused on our day-to-day responsibilities, careers, and taking care of others’ needs that we’re disconnected from the ability to even know what we truly desire. 

    Can you relate?

    “Before taking this class, I felt emotionally blocked and stuck in how to best align myself with what I truly wanted in a relationship. Lauri’s powerful presence and skillful facilitation transformed my energy around who, what and how I wanted to create my dream relationship. I gained deeper clarity, confidence, and major energy shifts that aligned with my true self.” – A.S. age 42

    Allow Me to Be Your Guide – in Creating Your Personal Manifesting Guide

    Manifesting love is a journey. We can’t just simply click our ruby slippers together and arrive in paradise (or Kansas) with the perfect partner! As with every journey, it is much easier if we know our ultimate destination and have a map to help us navigate towards it. 

    That’s why I created this class – to guide you through an interactive process in which you will create your own unique roadmap for your own, unique relationship journey. 

    This process will include:

    • Accessing your “Inner GPS” for aligned guidance that is greater than your mind/ego 
    • Clarifying the actual qualities and characteristics you most desire in your partner (They may be different than you originally think!)
    • Clarifying how you want to FEEL and who you want to BE in your ideal relationship
    • Identifying common roadblocks keeping you from your dating and relationship dreams
    • Owning and embodying what you truly desire

    The process will be part fun and interactive (in a private Facebook Group) and part quiet contemplation/journaling. Better yet, you’ll be recording everything on a handout that you can continue to refer to and revise for years to come.

    This empowering process will facilitate a higher level of awareness than most can achieve on their own. In turn, this will catalyze a greater degree of conscious choice vs. the “stumbling along” approach to dating taken by so many women.

    “Lauri is a natural at this. She’s totally present and asks great questions to open up new pathways to view your life and dating in a more expansive way. She creates a safe space for deep introspection and is gentle, listens deeply, and is fun! Her class was informative, supportive, and enlightening.” – D.D. age 68

    Don’t miss this empowering opportunity to manifest love with more clarity and intention!

    All this and there is no charge!

    When You Register for Charting Your Course You Receive:

    • 3 hours of live, interactive instruction
    • A manual designed to support you in the class AND into the future
    • Support in the Women Aligning to Love Private Facebook Community
    • Access to the video replays (for 5 additional days.)
    • My Ebook: Shed Your Excuses and Say Yes! to Online Dating: An Exploratory Playbook for Women 45 Years Old and Better

    Most importantly, you’ll finish the challenge with clarity that will take you
    off the “frustrated and confused” relationship treadmill.

    By the end of the challenge, you will:

    • Have a roadmap that includes your “North Star” – so you are clear about what you desire – and stop wasting time on needless dead ends and detours.
    • Learn how to apply this “North Star” in the dating process – from evaluating prospective dates and writing an online profile – to energizing your manifesting process and delivering an empowered “no” or “yes!” to someone.
    • Understand where on your journey you might need additional tools and/or support.

    “The Charting Your Course workshop was so thorough as well as eye-opening. It was laid out in a clear step-by-step format that took me through a process of discovery by looking to the future as well as the past. It helped me explore the specifics of what I wanted in a relationship that I hadn’t thought about much before. Lauri laid everything out so well with a workbook to follow along with that has since also been a reference to go back to and continue the exploration I started in the workshop. She was very good at holding an open and non-judgmental space for the whole group which built safety very quickly and allowed us to share and explore in a deeper way. I got to look at my journey of relationships/dating from a practical standpoint and as an energetic experience that made it feel accessible on multiple levels.

    I would highly recommend this workshop to any women who are looking to explore their relationship desires, as it will help to “chart your course” and give you a roadmap of where you’re headed, no matter what kind of relationship you’re looking to create.” – M.W. age 52

    Join for FREE and benefit for years!

    I can’t wait to help you chart your course for manifesting BIG love!